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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Cabin on the brain

This May our family started to build a cabin in the wood. Half our land is field and other half trees. We decided to build in the corner of the field. One for the view of wildlife (deer, cranes, fox) and two for safety because there have been forest fires the late few years. So almost every weekend we have been working on it. Winter will be here soon, and there is so much that has to be done. So here is a play by play of this project we have taken on!
The wall are going up.
Windows are in by the start of June
June and July, each weekend we worked all weekend.Insulation, wire, staining....
What a view.
The wood floors are pine, on the loft. Beams are pine as well. 3 layers of clear coat polyurethaned to get the shine
More pine on the out side,board and batten siding. That is what we are working on now. Hope to be done that by novermber. The snow will be coming soon. By the end of August we could sleep in the cabin.
Thankgiving the snow came but did last, but made for a fun weekend.
Off grid living, with solar panels. To bring hydro in was a cost of $20,000 + up. So we went off grid.
This is the view from the loft bedroom after the first snow. It's going to be a great winter.

After the dirty donkey

It was a fun day, and the beer at the end of the race was nice and cold!
What a great group of Dirty friends I have.