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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

why to people always have to make a coment

i find the most common one is "couldnt you afford the other wheel then!!!"

and why to people think your from the curces is your on one wheel!

You never see people yelling thinks at people on bikes?

Where's your other wheel?

Where's your handle bars?

You've only got half a bike.

Was that bike half price?

Look, it's a tricycle.

Those aren't jokes, they're the first half of the comments you hear on your ride.

It's our job to have the second half ready.

sense we are a family of five on unicycles I like to tell my kids;

look at those un with 2 wheels.

If they ask is I'm a clown. I tell them no there the ones with all the jokes.

unique jokes! Why is it people are impressed by more balls and less wheels?

What did the unicycle wheel say to the ultimate wheel?
I've been framed!

Q: Why is the unicycle the quickest of all pedaled transportations??
A: Because it doesn't need training wheels to get it moving. :D :D

Riddle me this:What kind of Giraffe has only two feet and can balance and travel with all it’s weight on a single spot without its feet ever touching the ground?

Why can unicyclists always go longer than bicyclists?
Bicyclists are always two tired.

It saves twice as much gas as riding a bicycle. I wave to twice as many friends and the dogs only chase me half as far.

Yes the pink frame and awesome tire with clear pedals is my ride!