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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

First unicycle ride of the year

It's been a long winter. Last week it was +2c outside so we went for a ride. Brandon had to ride the 5ft unicycle, because the just loves being up there. Everyone else on a 20inch wheel but me. I wanted to help Alexandra, she still needs help getting on. We had a good ride about a half hour. The last time we went for a ride together was in October.

Last night Mallory and Alexandra wanted to practice outside after supper. Mallory we riding with only one foot. He made a total of 17 rotations with only using one foot. He is so cool on this unicycle. This morning off to school on this unicycle. Mallory looks so funny with big winter boots on when he left.

Alexandra was amazing last night. She learned to free mount! (Start with out having to hang on to anything) I don't know how do to that. I well have to practice, because I'm now the only one in the family that can't free mount. Alexandra was very excited because she will be able to ride her unicycle to school soon. You need to master free mount if she wants to be independent. I'm so proud of my little girl.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The 11th should be a day to pray.

Sept 11th (NY) Jan 11th (Haiti) and March 11th (Japan)........
Wow, all on the 11th

Luke 21:10-11
Then Jesus said to his disciples : "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes', famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. 'Jesus says for behold I come quickly.

Home Again

Back home again. One week vacation with the husband was great. No cooking, no cleaning, for one week was wonderful. The kids had a great time with there grandparents. Grandma spoiled the kids by making cinnamon buns each night, and making lunches for them. We are so grateful that we didn't need to call and see how the kids were doing, because gran and gramp's were awesome.

here are some of the sandcastles we have made

Sleeping on the beach for a nap was a first for me. I am always on the move, planing and doing things. So on this Caribbean vacation I didn't plan any outings. Just relax time, then more relax time. Not a plan in sight. It took about three day tell all felt cool as a cucumber. Being with my husband for a week was good for both of us. We work together, but we don't spend any time together at work, and at home kids and meetings. All marriages are happy. It's the living together afterward that causes all the trouble. That's why we need to book off this time just for the two of us. When all is said and done one week was just right. After day 6 I was ready to head home back to the action.

When we got home on a Thursday night, we had one day to work before the weekend. It's amazing how fast we can jump back in to the day to day of life. It may be back to work but after a short break, I'm ready to go. I like the busyness of it all.

"Mom can I go to a birthday party tomorrow? oh I need a present."

"Mom you need to fill out these papers for school, the band is going away on a trip?"

"Tomorrow there is Youth at Church can I go? and can you pick-up my friend?"

These were the first thing that I heard Thursday night at 11pm when we got home.

Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. The work of a mother is work worth doing!