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Friday, December 14, 2012
vintage tulip quilt
386 tulip 15min each to put on, total tulip time 5790min just on sewing tulip! Crazy! now how will I quilt it?
after 6 year of working on this antique tulip quilt with my mom. Tonight i applique on my last tulip!
now how to quilt it? cross hatching with a small tulip in mid of the open areas?
Monday, November 12, 2012
Off to school
Everday from the start of the school year, to of the kids have been riding there unicycles to school. Mallory always there wating for his sister Alexandra. And as I drive off to work I can see them side by side rolling to school. So cute!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Cabin on the brain
This May our family started to build a cabin in the wood. Half our land is field and other half trees. We decided to build in the corner of the field. One for the view of wildlife (deer, cranes, fox) and two for safety because there have been forest fires the late few years. So almost every weekend we have been working on it. Winter will be here soon, and there is so much that has to be done. So here is a play by play of this project we have taken on!
The wall are going up.
Windows are in by the start of June
June and July, each weekend we worked all weekend.Insulation, wire, staining....
What a view.
The wood floors are pine, on the loft. Beams are pine as well. 3 layers of clear coat polyurethaned to get the shine
More pine on the out side,board and batten siding. That is what we are working on now. Hope to be done that by novermber. The snow will be coming soon.
By the end of August we could sleep in the cabin.
Thankgiving the snow came but did last, but made for a fun weekend.
Off grid living, with solar panels. To bring hydro in was a cost of $20,000 + up. So we went off grid.
This is the view from the loft bedroom after the first snow. It's going to be a great winter.
After the dirty donkey
It was a fun day, and the beer at the end of the race was nice and cold!
What a great group of Dirty friends I have.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Dirty Donkey
Last month my son went to the manitoba games for triathaloin. He was 6 over all in this age, won gold in the team event! Way to go! Now this coming weekend a new kind of race for our area. The Dirty Donkey race. "Whoever thought 5km's could be this tough... this fun... this DIRTY!!!" Part foot race mixed with an insane mud run, plus an obstacle course that will knock you on your "Donkey"! I'm on team Fiftyniners
Looks like fun, but scary at the same time. Good thing you have a team to do it with.
I'm ok with a little mud. This picture is of my hubsand and my son, I'm taking the picture and look about the same. (2years ago)Can't wait for saturday to see how it goes.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Manitoba Games
My son Mallory has been training for 6 month 3 times a week. He has work so hard and this week is the maintoba game. Triathalon is a tought sport. 300m swim, 10k bike and then a 3k run. His fastest time this year was just under 40min. Can't want to see him in action @ the games on july 19-20, 2012. Go Mallo go!
All the pictures above are of Mallory at the St.Malo Triathalon on june 23
Thursday, May 17, 2012
because 13.2 miles would just be crazy
I ran my first half in 2001 and i'm have completed 24 races.
In 30 days #25 will be completed.
Some girls chase boys....I pass them!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
why to people always have to make a coment

i find the most common one is "couldnt you afford the other wheel then!!!"
and why to people think your from the curces is your on one wheel!
You never see people yelling thinks at people on bikes?
Where's your other wheel?
Where's your handle bars?
You've only got half a bike.
Was that bike half price?
Look, it's a tricycle.
Those aren't jokes, they're the first half of the comments you hear on your ride.
It's our job to have the second half ready.
sense we are a family of five on unicycles I like to tell my kids;
look at those un with 2 wheels.
If they ask is I'm a clown. I tell them no there the ones with all the jokes.
unique jokes! Why is it people are impressed by more balls and less wheels?
What did the unicycle wheel say to the ultimate wheel?
I've been framed!
Q: Why is the unicycle the quickest of all pedaled transportations??
A: Because it doesn't need training wheels to get it moving. :D :D
Riddle me this:What kind of Giraffe has only two feet and can balance and travel with all it’s weight on a single spot without its feet ever touching the ground?
Why can unicyclists always go longer than bicyclists?
Bicyclists are always two tired.
It saves twice as much gas as riding a bicycle. I wave to twice as many friends and the dogs only chase me half as far.
Yes the pink frame and awesome tire with clear pedals is my ride!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
The giraffe unicycle
For a clown or just a cool ride. It a cool ride!
Up so high on top of the world,
were else would you was to be.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
On the roll
last Friday we were able to put on a show for the senors at BCH in Stienbach. The kids had a great time riding there unicycle for the senors. The show lasted 30min, we also did hula hooping, and devil sticks. The works there said that they were taking about it now and then the next week. We will have to do it again. Lots of fun for the kids, ans a vary forgiving audience.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Where is the snow?
This winter is not so great =( where is the snow? As a family we love our outside winter activities, but this year skiing, and snowmobiling..... Well it is what it is. Tried snowmobiling this weekend it worked, but we need more snow.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Triathlon Winter Camp

Just came back from a winter triathlon camp with my son Mallory. It was awesome, and I felt soar all over. 4 days of yoga 8:30-9:30, swimming 9:30-11:30, Cross country skiing 1:30-3:00, spin classes 4:30-5:30, Speaker's 7:00-9:00, Bed 10pm. Then do it all over again! I'm inspired by the kids that were there 16kids ages 9-18. We be going next year again.
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